In case you didn't know Christian has now started Tae Kwon Do lessons and has fallen in love! :) He has class 1 hour, 3 times a week. He has just completed testing for what they call his high white belt. It is a white belt with a yellow stripe all the way through it. He has learned a lot of patience and respect for others. It has been wonderful, so I thought I would share some of his pictures and video. Unfortunately the space that he is in is not very good for the sound so you can't really hear much and as far as the video...... well some is ok. Basically only the parts Chris could film. But once he had to help Christian.....lets just say it is very hard to film while holding a baby and making sure a 2 year old doesn't run away. So my apologizes.If you would like to see more videos and pictures you can check them out below. Just click the VIEW ALL button
Also a side note, My mother has requested I make wish lists for the boys so I have made one for each of them at And search wish list by names or click a link in the sidebar. (to the right.) But please know that "no gift" is a good gift as well. My kids are blessed beyond measure and am thankful for all our family has done, but we are getting limited on our space. :) So please use these list as a guide. Anything that is reusable or crafty or is something like an outing is great as well. Hope everyone had a wonderful of the turkey day are on there way!