Monday, January 31, 2011

Christmas Redo......Sort of

I know, I know, Christmas is long gone. And we are all wishing for spring to come soon. But I of course am a little behind in sharing my favorite Christmas moments captured on video. So since it is January 31st, I feel as though I still have time! If you are reading this in email you may have to visit the blog to actually play them. You can click the link at the bottom of this post.

 The first video is of Christian opening his big present from Santa (thank you dear Aunt Anne for helping Santa out with this one) that we had previously said that we were not too sure Santa could carry it in his bag. To which Christian says in the video, "SEE I KNEW HE COULD CARRY IT IN HIS BAG!!" Makes me smile everytime!

The last video is of Caden opening his big present from Santa and on this video you may have to turn the volume waaaaay down. I have never heard Caden scream more like a girl in all his 3 years alive! But of course it still makes me smile everytime! :)

On a side note this post will be the last time I use photobucket to host videos and pictures. I was able to get Chris a Flip Mino HD Camera for Christmas that we will now be using for the video. The picture quality will be much better. Grandpa Valles may be the only person who is excited about this as he was the person  who strongly suggested something with better quality if I was going to be posting and sharing these videos.   Sounds like Grandpa. :) But of course after doing a few tests.......looks like Grandpa is he almost always is.  Enjoy!!!

The life and times of a mother of 3.......boys that is. Don't forget to bookmark and visit anytime for more photos, links and fun!

Friday, January 28, 2011

School Time!

I can't believe it is almost spring. This school year has gone by quick! Usually fridays we don't do as much. It's FRIDAY! So today we made a great paper bag town! It was so cute I had to share! It is from a great magazine Grandma Valles gets them called Highlights High Five. It has great mini stories, games, kid recipes and look and find puzzles. The magazine supplied the cut out for the windows, doors and other decorations. We just needed brown bags and newspaper. This is a great project to do even if you don't have the cut outs. You can just make your own! 

-- Sent from my Palm Pre