Day 5 finds us heading to the Bronx Zoo. Luckly for us it just so happened to be the week the special legos were in town! The zoo gave the boys each a special map and on the map showed 4 different stations where animals were made out of lego bricks. Once they found the animal, the zoo had stamping stations where you embossed a print of the animal you were looking for to mark it off. The boys loved it! Including the REAL animals too!
Tomorrow, Playland adventure!
-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Today was a busy day. We headed to CT to take part in I heart New Haven Day check it out. Www.iheartnewhaven.org It was a wonderful fre event put on by a new local church in CT. It is a church I used to attend as a youth. They had so may things for the kids to do. Christian had his face painted while Caden ate his snack. He was too hungry to get it done I guess. They had free food for everyone and lots for the kids to do. After that we headed to Bristol to jump around with some old friends! What a blast! Jump n jammin was a jumping good time! We then stopped to get food with our friends to finish the night. Great conversation and great friends....i would say Day 4 was awesome!
-- Sent from my Palm Pre

So as I have been working on posting a blog entry every night, I noticed that not one had actually shown up. Turns out I didn't have my settings right...go figure...but now I do! I apologize for all the emails if you read this through a mail program. I should be all caught up now. Today is day number 3! Not much happened today but some relaxing, tv watching, and family wii playing. Since it wasn't that eventful today I thought I would just share a picture of Nico Thursday night in the hotel....sound asleep. Too funny if you ask me. I also have posted some pictures of the boys at our second stop Friday at the National Building museum for an amazing lego exhibit. The boys had such a blast! Can't wait for more adventures!
-- Sent from my Palm Pre
Well we made it! We are in NY and the boys are lovin grandma and grandpa Valles' new house. I just love that on this record breaking heat wave, my parents have AC. I really feel for people who don't. STAY COOL ! More pictures and a bit more about what we actually did on the drive here tomorrow. I can't keeep my eyes open!
-- Sent from my Palm Pre
I know. It has been a long time again. But tomorrow starts the adventure to NY and I am determined to write an entry each day so you can follow with us. I feel if I have a goal I will actually do it. So get ready fellow readers! Cause tomorrow we are off!!! :)
-- Sent from my Palm Pre