Last year was a great year! A little difficult with a job change for Chris but with it came such peace. He had been working at a job that left him completely tired and just wasnt very fulfilling. He now works for a company that he feels cares about his hard work and is never tired like he used to be. With all the hard work he and fellow co-workers put in last year, the company was able to earn a new level of sales which meant a prize of a trip to Great Wolf Lodge. We are lucky to have one so close to us. Only 1 hour away! We had heard so much about the place but had never been. Boy were we excited! So when the time came to go, we packed our bags and headed out! We haven't had that much fun as a family in a long time! What a place! It is a theme hotel that has an indoor water park. To say that the kids had the time of their lives is an understatement. We stayed in one of the themed rooms which has a bunkbed room for the kids with their own TV. PERFECT!

In the lobby the kids had fun watching the animated clock tower come to life. As well as nightly dance parties. Kids were everywhere! They even have an interactive game in all the hallways where you use a "magic wand" to finish quests and unlock treasure. SWEET!
Someone found treasure!!!
The waterpack was huge! I cant believe they can fit something that size inside. It was just fantastic. The boys could have stayed all day there. Nico even had his own little area to play!
Caden and Nico tried to race each other down these two slides. It was so great to see them both be able to have fun together. I think Nico might have flipped around on the orange one a bit. :)
And lets not forget all the arcade games and sweet shops. Mmmmmm!
Let just say we will be heading back here for another vacation really soon! With the lodge this close to home, the kids will be asking to go everyday!! If you live near a Great Wolf Lodge, GO! It has everything you could ask for in a hotel. Best family fun ever! It kept these 3 wild boys busy and mom and dad happy and stress free! :)
The life and times of a mother of 3.......boys that is.
Don't forget to bookmark and visit anytime for more photos, links and fun!