(Ok sorry I have not been as faithful with finishing these posts sooner. Summer came and we just got sooo busy. Some of this is actually from when I started it in June but I didn't feel like revising it now that we are in July. Yikees! Time goes by too fast!)
Oh man has it been hot!! It has already reached record highs for this month here. (One day was as high as 99 degrees! Yuk! But we have been keeping cool. Mom and Dad came to visit and we bought a little pool while they were here to have fun in.)
And of course it was CADEN'S BIRTHDAY!!! He turned the big number 1 on June 3rd. We didn't have a huge party or anything since I doubt he would remember. We did by a super cute cupcake that he finished in about 5 seconds flat! (Ok that's an exaggeration but my little man can eat!)
Here's a cute video of Caden with one of his presents from Great Aunt Judy! (He loves balls. so this was perfect! Thanks Judy!)
We also had a great time at a local Butterfly farm. I couldn't bring the camera in with the butterfly's because someone had to watch out for those poor things. (I had to make sure none of the butterfly's didn't "accidentally" get squished.) It was a lot of fun. They had a wonderful 20 minute presentation about the butterflys. Very interactive! Christian loved it. He even got to be a moth inside a cacoon and break free to hatch, as you can see from the picture (he is the boy in blue) that I could quickly snap in between a yelling Caden wanting more crackers. Then it was into the butterfly house where they gave each of us a sugar water soaked pad and the butterfly's would just land on it and slurp it up. I wish I had a picture of Cadens face when the butterfly was on his sugar pad. SOOO SWEET!
And last since it has been soooo hot we have been spending most of our time outside enjoying the little pool and Animal Safari Park that Grandma bought for them. It is perfect for Caden since all he wants to do is crawl in the water and the pool with the safari set is just the right size. We also found out that we have wild blackberries growing in our yard and Christian has had sooo much fun watching them grow and everyday he wants to go outside and see which ones he can pick. Today we even went for a walk on the path behind our house and found more bushes along the path that he said he HAD to pick. He made sure he brought his own special cup to put them in. It's great because it brings back such awesome memories of Great Grandma DD. I love to tell him how I use to do the same thing at her house when I was little too!
Your boys are too cute!
this is soo cute nikki.
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