So again I am quite behind in posting. Time is going by so fast, but thank goodness for Grandpa V. With out his constant care to make sure this gets done I'm not sure where I would be right now. Thanks Grandpa V. This one's for you! :)
Well Christian and Caden have been enjoying the last bits of summer with some water play at the water table and a dip in the Animal Safari "water park." (I got a great snapshot of Caden's curls.) After that week of fun it has been pretty much a complete wash out. I feel like

it has been rainy or at least cloudy for 5 out of the 7 days of the week. So it looks like Fall is on it's way. Even the temperature has not reached above 75 or so it feels. But we have kept ourselves busy. We brought out the bounce house to jump around in and played outside in the

rain. The bounce house can be a little scary due to Caden and Christian being so rough but it sure gets out energy. And if you didn't notice from the pictures we had to give Christian a hair cut. Boo hoo hoo. I was very sad but it was something that needed to be done. Unfortunately Christian has eczema, that with long hair spread to his eyes, e

ither from his hands wiping the hair away or something in his hair hitting his eyes. Either way he is much better now. He is sporting a Mohawk, though I think it is almost finished growing out. I thought I would have had video of it but only took video of the first cuts.
Chris and I had the privilege of being able to spend our 6 year anniversary in Beaufort, NC with no kids! Grandma and Grandpa V. came to the house and spent the weekend here with the kids. Sorry I wasn't there to take pictures of the boys so that is all on Grandma. :) As soon as she is willing to give up the pictures I will post them on here for all to see. Until then I guess you will have to settle with pictures from our trip. To sum it up we had a wonderful hotel right across from the water and the boardwalk where all

the shops and restaurants are

. It was perfect! We took a boat to Shackleford Banks where the water is true blue and there are soooo many different kinds

of sea shells. Plus the island has wild horses that roam free and where left from the Spanish War. The most exciting thing we did was spend a day at Fort Macon which was a huge fort the the army used and has now persevered as a museum. It was amazing! You can check out the Cannon fire video if you like. I really enjoyed it! Thanks Mom and Dad!
And last but not least is how totally cute my boys looked in their suits this past weekend. I had the honor of being a bridesmaid in a friends wedding an

d the boys looked so cute! I will get pictures of them at the wedding soon but for now here are the before pictures. (Caden wasn't that cooper

ative but I got what I could.) Thanks for tuning in. This is Nikki signing out! :)
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