Wednesday, May 26, 2010

80's Bash!

Boy did I have the time of my life last weekend! I friend of mine was turning 40 and she had a big 80's birthday bash! First stop was the roller rink. We skated to some killer music then headed to this rec hall she rented for a night of dancing and 80's nostalgia. It was the most fun I have had in a long time. And I went all out! Some people couldn't handle dressing the part....But I was ready. Funny thing was that I found the whole outfit at Target! So how did I do? Valley girl enough?.......oh I wish you could see my earrings better....they were awesome!!!!

The life and times of a mother of 3.......boys that is. Don't forget to bookmark and visit anytime for more photos, links and fun!

Monday, May 17, 2010

World Class Tae Kwon Do Spring Fling 2010!

Finally posted! The video of Christian doing his first demo. I think he did a pretty awesome job! It was located at World Class Tae Kwon Do Academy in High Point, NC. I have a few other videos that I will post in the side bar of my blog so you will have to visit the actual page to see them. Click here if you are reading this in email to be taken to the blog. They are video of his teachers doing some really neat Black Belt moves! Also..... please feel free to turn the volume waaaaaayyyyy down. The sound in the building is not very good so it is even worse on video. :)

First up is Christians opening before they broke their boards. He is all the way on the right in the video. In the front.... I wish you could have seen his face better. They told him to show everyone your mean face. Soooooo cute!

This is when he breaks the board with his foot. He has never done a break with his foot until that day come to find out. When I showed him this video he said he didn't do it at first because he was afraid it was going to hurt. That also explains the look of "shock" on his face after he did it. It takes a while for him to go because a girl was suppose to go before him and got a little shy so his teacher tells christian to go first. In case it is to loud to hear he says, "My name is Christian. I am five years old. When I grow up I want to be a Lego Master."

And last I thought it would be fun to share a video that shows a little more about the masters and what they do at the Academy. Christian is not in this video. This was made before Christian was a student there but it is one of his favorites to watch. Hope you enjoy!

The life and times of a mother of 3.......boys that is.
Don't forget to bookmark and visit anytime for more photos, links and fun!


District 9 (Single-Disc Edition)Ridiculous! I didn't get the videos of Christians Tae Kwon Do posted yet. My plan was to do it tonight when the kids went to bed because I took the video footage with our digital camera instead of my phone...which means I have to actually make face time with my computer. ( I love my phone...did I mention that....) So in waiting for them to actually be asleep...not throwing pillows back and forth and asking for water or to go to the bathroom every 5 min.. I decided to watch some of the movie District 9 and obviously ended up finishing it cause my blog is still void of Tae Kwon Do. Sorry.... But they will be posted soon.

If any one has any thoughts on the movie District 9 I would love to hear them. I found it entertaining but a bit too unbelievable to really feel anything for the characters. I almost felt like I should laugh! I don't sure was a different kind of movie for me which was a plus. I like to broaden my scope of movies so it is fun to throw one odd ball in the mix every now and then.

The life and times of a mother of 3.......boys that is. Don't forget to bookmark and visit anytime for more photos, links and fun!
-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Playing hard

What a hot hot day! We headed to this great new park at the High Point Athletic complex. The boys ran like mad with a few other friends for almost 3 hours! Then we came home, ate lunch, and crashed! Well...Caden sure crashed, right on the floor. That boy can sleep anywhere.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

I don't know about you but mother's day was awesome! It started a few days early with all the boys heading to the mall to get me a very cool ipod docking station. I have wanted one of those for a while. I like to listen to podcasts and it is much easier to listen through speakers than the ear buds and do stuff with the kids. A multi-tasker..... I know.

But next it was on to the lego festival. All I can say is amazing! The talent these adults (and children) have to create some of these creations is unbelieveable. Christians favorite was a boy who makes transformers. I must admit this was my favorite too. :) Christian has tried numerous times to make transformers with his legos but the inspiration from this kid took it to a new level. I mean all his transformers were transformable! All made of lego pieces...with 
out a guide or anything! If you look closely at one of the pictures you will see a grey transformer all the way at the far left...that is the one that turned into the gun the boy is holding. Amazing!

 I have added a few pictures of the fun and included the one of christian sneeking the skittle from the lego tray of a guys candy depenser (which I will add had a color sensor so it dispensed the color of your choice by chosing the matching color button.) It was meant for the boy waiting patiently in line and while taking the picture I didn't notice christian was ready to snag it as soon as it came out. Oops! 


And last were the hilarious videos people made with legos. Some of them Christian has seen on but most were new and again..talented.

I may have to post the video I took of the boy transforming one of his transformers at another time. I don't know what my phone/blogger can handle at once. I am still a little new to this posting via phone but so far so good.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Maybe his favorite color is green

Someone found a marker. Of course I couldn't find it anywhere until Caden came in to ask,"mom guess what is behind my back." with both hands hidden and a smirk on his face. " let me guess....mmmm..a marker?!" Yup. I was right. And all I can say is thank goodness he only made one small mark on his least that is all I can tell for now......

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Our garden

Our first vegetable garden. I am happy to see it growing strong. Hopefully it will last. We have peas in the 1st row (Christian picked out), onions in the 2nd row, peppers in the 3rd row, although we have one strawberry plant in the middle that I just don't think is going to make it, and romaine lettuce in the last row. I really hope we get a least a small crop of something cause I was hoping to add another box next year. I guess we will just wait and see.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Monday, May 3, 2010


Sorry for all the previous messages. I should have put TEST somewhere in the subject. I am trying to figure out the easiest way to keep up with this blog and I was testing out my options and forgot it emails people! Yikes! well this is the real message. Now I know txt is NOT the way to go. Again! Sooooorrrrryyyyy! :)

Is 3 months a long time? I can't believe I haven't written a post in that long! I figured I would let you know I changed the address for this blog to So make sure you book mark it. I will try to send emails out with the new address to those of you who don't get automatic updates.

   And now that I have a wonderful new phone and live in this age of awesome technology, I should be able to keep up with post more. I used to say that if I was stranded on a deserted island all I would need is my GPS. At least I would know my way around the island. Now I think I need to change that to my cell phone. This way I know where I am and I will always some something to do to keep me entertained. Maybe I wouldn't need to be rescued. A deserted island just might be nice!  :)

-- Sent from my Palm Pre