But next it was on to the lego festival. All I can say is amazing! The talent these adults (and children) have to create some of these creations is unbelieveable. Christians favorite was a boy who makes transformers. I must admit this was my favorite too. :) Christian has tried numerous times to make transformers with his legos but the inspiration from this kid took it to a new level. I mean all his transformers were transformable! All made of lego pieces...with

I have added a few pictures of the fun and included the one of christian sneeking the skittle from the lego tray of a guys candy depenser (which I will add had a color sensor so it dispensed the color of your choice by chosing the matching color button.) It was meant for the boy waiting patiently in line and while taking the picture I didn't notice christian was ready to snag it as soon as it came out. Oops!
And last were the hilarious videos people made with legos. Some of them Christian has seen on lego.com but most were new and again..talented.
I may have to post the video I took of the boy transforming one of his transformers at another time. I don't know what my phone/blogger can handle at once. I am still a little new to this posting via phone but so far so good.
-- Sent from my Palm Pre
How cool!! Glad you had a good mother's day!
I went to the grocery store :(
Nikki, this was awesome! Thanks for sharing! I want to go next time. The transformer legos looked soo cool!
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